Did you grow up in one house or several? Moving for a child can have profound consequences.
I grew up in two houses that I can remember. (I was born in a third, but moved when I was three, so have very vague recollections of it.)
The first house I remember was an English Tudor-styled house. It was old but elegant. But, it was in a city that was mostly working-class, and the school system was mediocre.
We moved into a brand-new house when I was 10. It was much smaller than the Tudor, but it was in a more affluent community and I noticed the difference immediately in where I went to school, as well as the neighborhood. I was quite pleased to make this move, even though I had to make new friends in a new community. That didn’t bother me at all.
Some children have to move frequently because of their parents’ jobs. That could be more emotionally challenging than what I experienced.
Do you remember your childhood home with fondness? Have you had the urge to revisit it as an adult? If you did, did it surprise you or take you back in time? I would answer yes to all of those questions.